Friday, April 8, 2016

Thursday April 7, 2016

English 9- Today we reviewed vocab for the week. QUIZ TOMORROW! We then finished the "Epic Hero Cycle" and started on the "What makes a hero?" questions.  Here are the questions if you did not get them:

-What are the characteristics of a hero?
-What qualities do certain heroes have that make them exceptional?
-When have we seen a situation give rise to an unconventional hero or heroine?
-Do all heroes have something in common about their appearance?
-What are some of the lessons that heroes can teach us?

-What differences exist among cultures with regard to their concept of heroes?

English 10- Today we had guest teachers. Study for vocab, test is now moved to Monday!! Here are the words with definitions:

¨Juncture- a point in place or time, where tow things come together.
¨Mottled- spotted or blotched in coloring
¨Brusquely-  abrupt, short, coarse in manner
¨Pantomime- to express or represent in an exaggerated way.
¨Vial- a tiny bottle to usually hold liquid
¨Laden- heavily burdened or weighed down
¨Scourge- someone or something that causes great suffering
¨Pugnacious- eager to argue or fight

¨Drone- continued monotonous tone or hum

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