Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday January 31, 2018

Honors English 10: Today students had time to read. All students need to be through chapter 18 by Monday.

HOMEWORK: Read through chapter 18.

English 10: Today students had time to finish their chapter 8 questions and work on their 5-8 graphic organizer.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 5-8 graphic organizer is due on Monday 2/5!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday January 30, 2018

Honors English 10: Today, groups with chapters 1-12 storyboards completed their presentations.

HOMEWORK: students need to be through chapter 18 by Monday February 5th.

English 10: Today students read chapter 8 independently and answered the following questions:

1.  What two things does Ralph say that insults Jack? 
2.  Who calls the meeting? 
3.  List two reasons that Jack offers for why Ralph is not a proper chief.
4.  What kind of vote does Jack call for? 
5.  What childish thing does Jack say after the vote doesn’t go his way? 
6.  What does Simon suggest doing? 
7.  Where does Piggy suggest building the fire? 
8.  Where do Maurice, Bill, and Roger go? 
9.  Where does Simon go? 
10.  What does Jack rub all over Maurice? 
11.  What do they do with the sharpened stick? 
12.  What is the pig’s head name? 
13.  When Jack comes for the fire, what is he wearing? 
14.  How does Jack try to tempt the boys who have stayed with Ralph?

15.  What does the Lord of the Flies say to Simon about having fun?  

HOMEWORK: finish these questions. Here is a link to the digital text if you need it:

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday January 29, 2018

Honors English 10: Today students took the chapter 13 AP reading quiz. If you missed this you need to make it up ASAP.

HOMEWORK: read through chapter 18 by Feb. 2nd!

English 10: Today students read chapter 7 and worked on their graphic organizers.

HOMEWORK: make sure you are at least halfway completed with your chapter 5-8 graphic organizer.

Friday January 26, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we reviewed and students had work time for their storyboards and novel reviews.

HOMEWORK: read chapter 13 and 14

English 10: Today students completed and reviewed chapter 6. Then there was time to finish the "letters home" project.

HOMEWORK: "Letters home" project

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday January 25, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we reviewed chapter 12. Then, students had time to work on their storyboard or novel reviews.

HOMEWORK: chapter storyboards and novel reviews

English 10: Today we reviewed chapter 5 and then started working on the letters home project. The letters home project is due at the end of class tomorrow. Here are the directions for the assignment:

Lord of the Flies “Letters home” activity

You and a partner are going to choose any character that we have met in Lord of the Flies. You are then going to imagine that you are that character. Using what you know about that character’s personality and their desires on the island, you are going to write a letter from that character’s perspective to their family. Think of it like a letter they would then put in a bottle and fling into the sea with hopes that it will return to their home country of England. In the letter you should include:

·         Their overall feelings about the island
·         Their overall feelings about the other boys
·         What that character might think they do well
·         What that character might think they need to do better
·         How this character envisions (sees) their fate ending up
·         Anything else you think this character would want to add
·         Use at least one quote from chapters 3-6 to support, but make sure it still reads like a letter, not                      an essay
·         Should be at least 1-page long

It should be clear in your letter that you clearly understand that character’s personality and emotional state. I encourage you to use more quotes from the text if you like. BE CREATIVE! Have fun with this!

HOMEWORK: Letters home project.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday January 24, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we read part of chapter 12. If you missed yesterday's chapter 11 quiz, you need to make it up by Monday 1/29.

HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 12

English 10: Today we finished reading chapter 5 and went over the questions for that chapter.

HOMEWORK: None tonight.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday January 23, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we discussed the writing center and what is offered. Students then took a AP style reading quiz and we discussed.

HOMEWORK: no reading tonight, but students are encouraged to look over chapter 12. We will review this chapter tomorrow.

Here is a link to a digital copy of the text:

English 10: Today students turned in their graphic organizers for chapters 1-4. We then reviewed these chapters, I handed out the organizer for chapters 5-8 and then students read. Students are responsible to read to page 84 on their own and answer the following questions:

1.      What does Ralph decide about the meeting that he is about to have? 

2.      What does this say about how Ralph is changing? 

3.      What does Ralph start to realize about his appearance? 
4.      What did Ralph, Jack, and Piggy not have the “wit” to do? 

5.      What does Ralph realize a chief needs to be able to do? 

6.      Where does Piggy stand at the beginning of the assembly? 
7.      What is the first thing Ralph lists as something that the boys have failed to do? 

8.      What is the last thing Ralph tries to talk about before he loses control?
9.      What does Jack have to say about the littluns’ fear? 

10.  What did the boy named Phil think he saw?

Here is a link to the text:

Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday January 22, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we reviewed chapters 9 and 10. Then we went over the storyboard group project. Here are the directions I handed out:

Story board project
As a class, we are going to develop an extended storyboard that outlines the main plot points of The Scarlet Letter. In Groups (3-4 people) you will choose the most important plot parts in three specific chapters. These chapters will randomly be selected by each group.

Using, groups will depict their chapters through a visual storyboard. Each group will be evaluated on how well they synthesize the important pieces of their chapters and put them into storyboard form. Each group will need to print out their storyboard and do a short presentation of their final project. The end result, will be a complete storyboard of the entire plot of The Scarlet Letter.

Chapters 1-12 will be due Monday January 29th.

Chapters 12-24 will be due ________________________.

HOMEWORK: read chapter 11 before class tomorrow.

English 10: Today students took a vocab quiz. They had the rest of the period to complete their chapter 1-4 graphic organizer. This will be due at the start of class tomorrow,

HOMEWORK: Finish graphic organizer before class tomorrow. 

Here is a link to the text:

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday January 19, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we took a pop quiz over chapter 8. We then reviewed and I explained the process for the novel review for Scarlet Letter.

HOMEWORK: read chapter 9 and 10 before class on Monday. Begin working on the novel review. The template is available on my google class.

English 10: Today we reviewed vocab for the quiz on Monday, We then finished chapter 4.

HOMEWORK: vocab quiz on Monday. Graphic organizer for chapters 1-4 is due Tuesday.

Thursday January 18, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we read chapter 7 and discussed.

HOMEWORK: read chapter 8 for tomorrow

English 10: Today we studied vocab and read half of chapter 4 in LOTF.

HOMEWORK: study for vocab

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wednesday January 17, 2018

Honors English 10: Today students took a quiz over chapter 5 and 6. Students then worked through the chapter comprehension questions. Here are the questions for 5 and 6:

Chapter 5
1. Hester comes to some conclusions about her life on the first page of chapter 5. What does she realize about the scarlet letter?
2. What does Hawthorne suggest about people who are shamed and where they end up?
3. Where does Hester end up living after her prison sentence? How does she make a living?
4. What is ironic and even hypocritical about her job?
5. How is she treated by the townspeople?
6. What strange and unexplainable thing starts to happen to Hester in relation to the scarlet letter?

Chapter 6
1.       Where does Hawthorne say the infant was worthy to have come from? Why is this important? What does it relate to? (Think of the religious aspects)
2.       How does Hester perceive her child? Use a line from the text to support your thinking.
3.       What is Pearl’s behavior like around other children?

    HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary! Vocab is located on your Scarlet Letter pre-reading sheet! 

    English 10: Students were checked off for completion of their chapter two questions. We then reviewed vocab. Then we read chapter 3 together in LOTF. 

     HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary! Also, a practice list is now available on! This is practice only, you do not need to do it, but it can help you for the quiz coming up on Monday!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday January 16, 2018

Honors English 10: Today, students answered questions for their previous reading of chapters 2-4. Here are the questions, which should be answered in your notebook:

Chapter 2
       1. What piece of equipment in the town served “…to be as effectual an agent, in the promotion of good citizenship, as ever was the guillotine among the terrorists of France.”?
       2. In chapter two, what does Hawthorne specifically compare Hester’s appearance to?
       3. Whose presence kept the mood of Hester’s punishment grave and somber, rather than raucous and filled with more vocal ridicule?
       4. Hester day-dreams during her punishment. Of whom and what does she think about?
Chapter 3
  1. In this chapter we learn the exact punishment for Hester’s crimes. What is the exact punishment?
  2. The Governor asks a member of the religious elite to pressure Hester into revealing the father. Who ends up pressuring her in a speech? What is Hester’s reaction to the speech?
Chapter 4
  1. What is wrong with Hester and the baby?
  2. What is the name of the man who comes as a doctor to help Hester and her baby?
  3. What does Hester initially fear the man is trying to do?
  4. Ultimately, who do we find out this man really is?
  5. What do we learn about Hester’s relationship and attitude she had towards her husband?
  6. What pact do Hester and Chillingworth make at the end of the chapter? 

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 5 and 6 before start of class tomorrow!

Link to digital copy of the text:

English 10: Today, students read chapter 2 in Lord of The Flies on their own. Answer these questions in your notebook:

1.      What rule does Ralph set for the tribe?

2.  What fear do the small children have?  How does Jack respond and how does Ralph respond?

3.  What effort does Ralph say the boys should take to get rescued?
4.  How does the plan to get rescued back fire on the boys?
5.  What worry does Piggy have at the end of the chapter?
6.  From what view point is this story narrated?

7.  In what genre is this novel?  

9.  What was the author's purpose in writing this story? How do you know? (Inform, persuade, entertain)

10. Find an example of personification in this chapter. Write the line down and explain how it is an example of personification.

HOMEWORK: finish chapter 2 and questions before class tomorrow.

Here is a link to a digital copy of the text:

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday January 12, 2018

Honors English 10:  Today, students read chapter one and part of chapter two of The Scarlet Letter in class.

HOMEWORK: Finish chapter two and read three and four. Complete a half page summary for chapter two.

Access the text for free, here:

English 10: Today students finished reading chapter one in Lord of the Flies.

Thursday January 11, 2018

Honors English 10: Today, students read and answered questions for the "Custom House" introduction in The Scarlet Letter.

English 10: Today students read the first 20 pages of Lord of the Flies.

HOMEWORK: survival guides are due Friday!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday January 10, 2018

Honors English 10: Today we worked on the pre-reading activity and anticipatory questions to help launch our reading of The Scarlet Letter.

HOMEWORK: Finish the pre-reading activity and the anticipatory questions!

English 10: Today students continued to work on their survival guides to help launch our reading of The Lord of the Flies. 

HOMEWORK: finish survival guides by Friday! You will turn them in at the beginning of class.

Tuesday January 9, 2018

Mr. Wells was out today. Students completed a pre-assessment for quarter 3.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday January 8th, 2018

Honors English 10: Today, students had the period to work on the pre-reading sheet for Scarlet Letter. 

HOMEWORK: Pre-reading sheet needs to be completed by Wednesday.

Access the text for free, here:

English 10: Today we started our unit on The Lord of The Flies. Students began working on their survival guides.  Survival guides will be due Friday.

HOMEWORK: LOTF vocab list #1.