Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday November 30, 2016

English 10: Today we finished "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan.

English 9: Today, Anthem writing project revisions were due.

Home work: Bring $6 for a TKAM book if you want a copy of your own. Also, your satire packet is due Friday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday November 29, 2016

English 10: Today we started our short story unit. We began reading "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan.

English 9: Today we continued to work on revisions and independent work. Here is a reminder for what is due:

Wednesday November 30: Anthem revisions.

Friday December 2: Satire packet including:

1. Video graphic organizer
2. Completely annotated article "A Modest Proposal..."
3. Completed graphic organizer

Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday November 28, 2016

English 10:Today students worked on the conflict writing project. Here are the directions:

Finding Conflict in Fences.

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, you need to:

1.      Identify two different types of conflict (Person versus self, person versus person etc.) in the play.
2.       Next, you need to identify a line from the text that for each conflict you identified.
3.       Then, explain how the quote shows an example of that conflict.


Person versus self.

In the story, Mark dealt with his own internal struggles with drug use and the fact that he knew that his actions were affecting everyone around him. This weighed very heavy on his conscience. An example of this conflict is in the line on page 24, that states, “My head swirled again as I had another craving. But, I thought of my little brother and the fact that he was waiting for me.” This line proves Mark’s conflict within himself. He was struggling with the pain of addiction as all he wanted to do was use, but was conflicted by the thoughts of his brother and the dangers of letting him down. 

English 9: Today students worked on revisions for their Anthem writing project. Here is the checklist that I gave students today:


Directions: If you received a PP+ or lower, you are required to complete a revision of your writing project. You will need to revise each section of the writing project on a separate sheet of paper that you will staple to the original.  If your revision does not get you up to a P-, I will ask you to complete an essay. Follow this checklist to ensure your project is complete.

Anthem writing project revision check list.
o   My theme is clear, concise and logical
o   There is no use of “I” or “My” in your writing
o   The correct terminology is used to discuss author’s purpose
o   The most critical author’s purpose is identified
Quote #1:
o   Quote is in chronological order of the text
o   Quote is powerful and clearly supports theme
o   “Means” clearly explains the quote
o   “Matters” proves WHY the quote supports the theme and larger idea. Please do not just further explain the quote! Explain how the quote shows your theme
Quote #2:
o   Quote is in chronological order of the text
o   Quote is powerful and clearly supports theme
o   “Means” clearly explains the quote
o   “Matters” proves WHY the quote supports the theme and larger idea. Please do not just further explain the quote! Explain how the quote shows your theme
Quote #3:
o   Quote is in chronological order of the text
o   Quote is powerful and clearly supports theme
o   “Means” clearly explains the quote
o   “Matters” proves WHY the quote supports the theme and larger idea. Please do not just further explain the quote! Explain how the quote shows your theme
o   Include a conclusion that restates your theme
o   Highlight the most important idea from your paper

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

English 10: Today students watched clips of Act 2, Scene 1 in Fences. We then read scene 2 and 3.

Home work: review notes on conflict.

English 9: Today we practiced annotating and evaluating the article, "A Modest Proposal to Convert Shopping Malls into Prisons."

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday November 15, 2016

English 10: REMINDER--all make up quizzes must be completed by Friday 11/18.

Today we read Act Two Scene one. Here is a link to the text:

English 9: Today I conferenced with students to evaluate their writing projects.

Monday November 14, 2016

English 10: Today students took the Act one quiz. If you missed the quiz, you must make it up by Friday 11/18.

English 9: Students worked on finishing the Anthem writing project.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11, 2016

English 10: Today students completed scene 4 portion of the study guide.

Home work: Study for quiz on Monday! It will cover all of Act 1.

English 9: Today students worked on their Anthem writing project. We took notes on author's purpose.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday November 10, 2016

English 10: Today we reviewed James Earl Jones and Denzel Washington completing Act one Scene three in Fences. We then read through the end of Act one.

English 9: Today we reviewed Anthem and started developing thematic statements for the text, which will guide the writing project for the novella.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday November 9, 2016

English 10: Today we completed an article about Jackie Robinson in actively learn.

Home work: If you did not complete the assignment, you will need to complete this by Friday.

English 9: Today we completed Anthem and completed a reaction writing. We then started working on a mood practice sheet.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday November 8, 2016

Image result for vote

English 10: Today we read Act one scene two and three.

Home work: Make sure you have completed study guides for all the scenes  so far.

English 9: Today we read through chapter 9 in Anthem.

Home work: Review author's craft.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday November 7, 2016

English 10: Today we reviewed Act One, Scene One and continued to read and finish the scene. Students also received a Act one, Scene One study guide.

English 9: Today we reviewed author's craft--specifically mood, diction and syntax. We then reviewed chapter 7 and 8 in Anthem.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday November 3, 2016

Image result for cubs logo

English 10: Today we worked on the internet research activity from yesterday and started reading ACT 1.

Home work: If you didn't finish the research activity, it will be available in google classroom until 9:00 pm tonight.

Wednesday November 2, 2016

English 10: Today students worked in google classroom on an internet research activity for background information on topics from Fences. There will be some time tomorrow in class to finish,

English 9: Today students worked in pairs to complete the Anthem chapters 1-6 quiz.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday November 1, 2016

English 10: No classes due to SLO.

English 9: No classes due to SLO.

Home work: Study for quiz over chapters 1-6. If you haven't turned in your author's craft sheet, you need to turn it in Wednesday at the start of class to get credit.