Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday November 6, 2015

English 9- Today we took the a short test over tone and mood in Anthem. If you were absent, please see me right away to figure out a time to make this up.

REMINDER: FINAL DRAFTS OF NARRATIVE #2 are due MONDAY!!! You need to include the rough draft, peer review and Final draft!!

English 10- Today I checked out books and we took review notes over conflict. Students need to have read through chapter 9 by Monday and completed the comprehension questions.  Here are the questions for chapters 8 and 9 if you need them:

Chapter 8 Comprehension Questions. Class Copy, please do not write on sheet.

1.  What two things does Ralph say that insults Jack? 
2.  Who calls the meeting? 
3.  List two reasons that Jack offers for why Ralph is not a proper chief.
4.  What kind of vote does Jack call for? 
5.  What childish thing does Jack say after the vote doesn’t go his way? 
6.  What does Simon suggest doing? 
7.  Where does Piggy suggest building the fire? 
8.  Where do Maurice, Bill, and Roger go? 
9.  Where does Simon go? 
10.  What does Jack rub all over Maurice? 
11.  What do they do with the sharpened stick? 
12.  What is the pig’s head name? 
13.  When Jack comes for the fire, what is he wearing? 
14.  How does Jack try to tempt the boys who have stayed with Ralph?
15.  What does the Lord of the Flies say to Simon about having fun? 

Chapter 9 Comprehension Questions. Class Copy, please do not write on sheet.
1.  What does Simon find on the mountain? 
2.  What does Simon do after smelling the dead body? 
3.  Which side of the island had a little bit of smoke? 
4.  What does this imply about who most of the boys are following? 
5.  What is Piggy sure is going to happen? 
6.  What does Piggy suggest doing? 
7.  What does Jack wave when he speaks? 
8.  After the boys have eaten all they want, Jack and Ralph try to persuade the boys do what? 
9.  What does Jack say about the conch? 
10.  Whose side do most the boys choose? 
11.  What is the chant?  How has it changed from previous chapters? 
12.  What does Simon try to tell the boys?
13.  What happens to Simon?
14.  What happens to the man on the parachute?

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