Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday November 3, 2014

Welcome Back!!! Hope you had a relaxing and recharging break!!!

Honors 9- Please make sure you have your A Modest Proposal annotations and paragraph for discussion tomorrow. Here is the prompt for the paragraph if you need it:

Answer the following prompt in paragraph form, using evidence from the text:

“What is Swift proposing that the Irish do with their poor children and why is he proposing this? Explain author’s purpose (think about author’s craft) in writing this piece? Create and discuss a theme that you identified in the text.”

Today, I introduced the satire writing assignment. I have attached the hand out here for reference:

Assignment Due November 10
Creating your own satire
As we have looked at satire, we have seen examples in videos, we have looked at written pieces, viewed cartoon examples and we have discussed music examples.
Now it is your turn to create your own form of satire.

For this assignment, you and a partner have the freedom to create your own piece of satire in the desired form you would like. You can create an editorial, make a video, draw a cartoon, create a song, create a rap, or anything else you can possibly think of. (Run your idea by me if you are choosing something outside of this.) It is important that your piece is truly satirical—make sure you review our class made definition and elements beforehand. If you do a song or video, please include a script. There is no specific length, just make sure it is long enough and clear enough to be satirical. This assignment will be due November 10. On that day, you will be sharing your piece with the class! Have fun with this!

English 10- Today we turned in our LOTF writing assignment and checked in books.We started reading The Scarlet Ibis and worked on completing annotations and a graphic organizer. 

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