Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday October 9, 2017

Honors English 10: Reminder: Your Q1 Final writing needs to be uploaded to by midnight. Today, students read independently. Students should be close to finishing their books. Here is the final assignment if students want to work ahead:

Honors 10 Final Independent Reading Assignment Quarter One   
               Due Monday October 23, 2017

New York Times Book Review

For this assignment, you are the executive editor of the New York Times. You will be mimicking the styling of the Times book review and reviewing your independent reading book.

1.     -  Go to:
2.      - Look over the book reviews that are published on the page and browse how they put together their book reviews.
3.       -Write a review of your book, modeling the way in which the authors’ at the Times do their reviews. You need to discuss the style of the author in your piece. What are they doing with their diction? What is the mood? What is the tone? How are they using figurative language? What themes emerged?
4.       -Make sure you include why or why not you would recommend the book.
5.      - Use at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text to support your thinking. Include page numbers.
6.       -Finish with an MLA works cited page with a citation of your book and the New York Times book review web page. Use: as a guide to cite your work and create your works cited page.
7.      - Be creative. Use pictures, play with formatting, make it cool.

8.       -Be ready to do a short presentation of your book with your book review. 

   English 10: Today students read independently. Students should be close to finishing their books. Here is the final assignment if students want to work ahead:

English 10 Final Independent Reading Assignment Quarter One                 
  Due Tuesday October 24.

New York Times Book Review
For this assignment, you are the executive editor of the New York Times. You will be mimicking the styling of the Times book review and reviewing your independent reading book.
1.       Go to:
2.       Look over the book reviews that are published on the page and browse how they put together their book reviews.
3.       Write a review of your book, modeling the way in which the authors’ at the Times do their reviews. You need to discuss the author’s purpose and impact of the story on the reader and society.
4.       Make sure you include why or why not you would recommend the book.
5.       Use at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text to support your thinking. Include page numbers.
6.       Be creative. Use pictures, play with formatting, make it cool.
7.       Be ready to do a short presentation of your book with your book review. 

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